SNEHA STORAGE SYSTEMS - Latest update - Supplier of wall channel in Peenya

Supplier of wall channel in Peenya

Mobile +919731811966

A wall channel is an ideal way to create a smooth uninterrupted wall for your bathroom. These are especially useful if you're looking to create a seamless bath space where there used to be a gap, as you can now add a bath tub or even a shower without the hassle of having to fill up the gap yourself. In addition to this, they're also great for creating a smooth finish where you want something to break up the walls - think, for example, where you want to have a mirror.This is a simple process but requires precision so the end result looks like no other. Once installed correctly, it looks just like real stone and will never fade, crack or peel. Easy to install, clean and maintain. We are supplying these to customers in Bangalore and surrounding areas for over 15 years. Our quality assurance team checks that they are manufactured and shipped according to the specifications. They are made of 3mm thick aluminium plate and comes with 2 years warranty.

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