SNEHA STORAGE SYSTEMS - Latest update - Multitier Shelving Manufacturer in Peenya

Multitier Shelving Manufacturer in Peenya

 Mobile +919731811966

Multitier shelving is made up of many tiers of shelves that are connected by metal slats. The top tiers are usually fixed to support heavy objects such as bookcases, televisions, and computer towers. When you need to move something to another area, you can simply push it off the first tier, and the entire structure will fall to the next one. These shelves are very versatile because they are easy to assemble, and you can customize them to meet any requirements. The MultiTier Shelf is an ideal display shelf for both kitchen and pantry. It’s also handy for displaying the ingredients of your favorite recipes and can even double up as a spice rack! Made from plastic and comes in white.

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